The Year of The Hangman Book Blog

Join an 8th grade American History class in Liberty, Missouri as they read the historical novel "The Year of the Hangman" and ask what would have happened if the Patriots would have lost the American Revolutionary War....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Feedback - Let Me Hear It

Hello. Thanks so much to all of you that particpated in The Year of the Hangman Book Blog. I know that I learned a lot from this process and I hope that you also thought it was a worthwhile experience. I would love to hear your feedback on the project.

Here are some possible questions for your feedback:
  • What did you like about the project?
  • What did you not like about the project?
  • If you didn't post often - why not?
  • What did you think of the questions each week?
  • Did you perfer one big question (like the one for Week4) or would you rather have choice from multiple questions (like we did in Weeks 1 through 3)?
  • Would you like more interaction with the author?
  • Did you like the additional links to learn more about some of the characters in the novel?
  • Would you do a project like this again? Why or why not?

I do hope to do this again around the end of April 2006 with a book called "Guerrilla Season" by Pat Hughes. This is one of favorite books of all time - the Civil War in Missouri with a young Jesse James as one of the characters, well researched, very historically accurate and the storyline is engaging. Check out the book blog for Guerrilla Season at I have some ideas that I think will make this book blog even more interactive so check it out

Again please drop me a line at Thanks so much.

Eric Langhorst
South Valley Jr High School
Liberty, Missouri


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really like your work on the webpage and the use of podcasts.

3:26 PM  

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